Top Seven Innovative Functions of Your Brass Knuckles

Gifts/Novelties Lifestyle Self Defense Survival / Outdoor Gear

The intrigue and mystery surrounding the brass knuckles are just as shrouded as the infamous ninjas who used them. Pop-culture has given us a detailed introduction to this tool. We know that brass knuckles are extremely effective in self-defense situations. This is the weapon that you always need on hand to combat any threats. Not to mention, it makes us all feel like a fearsome ninja while wearing one of these knuckles.

However, there are so many other undiscovered usages of this tool. There are different categories to select from as well, such as the simple brass knuckles and weighted knuckle buckles. We have listed down the seven most creative and peculiar uses of brass knuckles. Brainstorm and see if you can come up with any more functions! Remember that the important factor is enjoying the usefulness of the brass knuckles.

1. Brass Knuckles as a Paperweight:

A brass knuckle might not inherently belong to a study table. However, there are many fancy varieties of knuckles available in the market. These products add refinement and panache to every living space. A work desk is no different. Utilize the brass knuckles to add a rustic accent to the décor of your workspace or make use of the weighted knuckle buckles as a paperweight. Admittedly, this option is a little bizarre. However, it works perfectly due to the aesthetics and proportions of the self-defense accessory. The brass knuckle is also a great substitute for a bookmark.

2. As a Fashionable Accessory:

Why look for outlandish and super-innovative uses when the best function of the brass knuckle is literally at hand. The era of simple and tasteful rings is over. It is time to make a bold statement and rock the onlookers with gorgeous brass knuckles. The solid colors and simple design ensure a perfect complement to all the outfits. You can present yourself as an extraordinary punk-rock trendsetter. Pair the black or silver brass knuckles with a studded leather jacket and spiky earrings. There will be no need for any additional accessories with the bold knuckle aesthetic.

3. For Vehicle Décor:

Although many brands of vehicles come with a symbol or insignia, one can always customize and personalize them. You can fashion hood and dashboard accessories with different tools. However, a brass knuckles ornament is the best option for any automobile. The material is resistant to rust. Usually, the polishing and finishing of the accessory complete the ensemble successfully. Therefore, you don’t have to put in a lot of effort for customizations. Just mount the most cherished brass knuckle on the automobile wherever it looks the best. You may also place the knuckle on a bicycle or motorbike.

4. As a Self-Defense Weapon:

The brass knuckles a new and more effective meaning to a sucker punch. No assailant will be dumb enough to try anything during the presence of this formidable defensive weapon. Knuckle Buckles can be worn openly on your fingers and do not require a permit or license. This weapon is quintessentially meant for self-defense. Additionally, it doesn’t require any special training. One only has to hit as hard as possible to do maximum damage.  The sleek and understated power of the brass knuckles is unmatched in the world of defensive weaponry.

5. For Smashing Ice:

This use is a little particular to the survival enthusiasts. A knuckle duster is a handy tool to possess while on an ice-fishing expedition. There are many icy obstacles to overcome in the snowy tundra.  You can easily eliminate the trouble of frostbite by smashing ice into bits. However, wilderness survival trips are not the only appropriate platform to showcase knuckle prowess. Use this hardy instrument to easily break apart block of ice for the next party. Make your festive drinks extra rustic and rugged.

6. Glass Breaker:

Emergencies usually call for extreme measures. Sturdy brass knuckles will surely rise to the occasion with their durability and unmatched strength. Get out of tricky situations by smashing your way out. There might be situations in which you are trapped in a vehicle or a building. Use the strength of the brass knuckle to make an escape route out of the glass windows. This method will ensure that no harm comes to your fingers or clothes.

7. Prop for Plays And Skits:

LARPing and cosplay are two other creative functions of brass knuckles. Many pop culture icons use this accessory. Additionally, if you want to dress up as a mainstream ninja or martial arts practitioner, you can wear these. It is also used as a prop in different stage plays. Spice up the Halloween costumes and comic cons ensembles with this brilliant accessory.

Be sure to get the knuckles of the highest quality for longevity and durability. Many online and offline outlets facilitate in finding the best fit. However, if you need a guarantee of the highest quality and a wide selection of brass knuckles then browse through our collection.

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